The centenary of the foundation of the Derry community of the Good Shepherd Sisters was celebrated on 29 September 2019 when a large number of parishioners, staff, friends and past residents joined the sisters for a special Thanksgiving Mass in the local parish church.

The main celebrant Bishop McKeown paid tribute to the Good Shepherd Sisters saying, “Your presence was for many years built on a hilltop on this side of the river. You are at your best when you are salt to the earth and light to the world. You are at your best when you are at the fringes and not at the centre”.
Before the Mass began, Sr Noreen O’Shea gave a presentation on our charism, from the founding years of the congregation by St Mary Euphrasia in early 19th century France to its expansion around the world. There have been many changes over the years. The expression of our charism has evolved in response to changing needs and diminishment of the community. Having journeyed with the people of Derry through many difficult times, especially during the Troubles, the sisters continue to be appreciated for their friendship and support and the significant contribution they continue to make in Derry.
The Mass was followed by refreshments in the parish hall. Overall, it was a joyful occasion as stories and memories were shared and celebrated.
For further coverage of the event including a collage of photos please see the article published in The Net in December 2019 here.
We would like to acknowledge with thanks The Net for giving us permission to publish their article on our website.