
Safeguarding Children Policy Statement

The Gospel teaches the importance of ensuring that the Catholic Church community is a warm, welcoming and safe place for children.

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. (Mark 10:14-15)

Children are gifts from God, to be cherished and recognised for the joyful contribution they make as valued members of the church. Our challenge is to follow the example of Jesus in cherishing them. 

Safeguarding is key to this important task and should be seen, not as a burden, but as an opportunity to embrace and encourage children's ministry, following the example of Jesus Christ. 

The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd pledges to safeguard children and young people from harm and to support them in their development as valued and integral members of the Catholic Church in Ireland. The Church's ministry will be inclusive and will uphold their rights. 

Consistent with Gospel values, and with civil and criminal law, those who minister will do so with dignity and integrity, honouring their calling to ensure that children and young people are welcomed, cherished and protected, following the example set by Jesus. 

This Safeguarding Children Policy will be honoured and complied with by all ordained clerics, by vowed female and male religious, and by all lay staff and volunteers in the Catholic Church in Ireland. 

The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Irish Province strives to create an environment in which children are safe and respected. While we have developed, and are implementing, our Safeguarding Policy & Procedures (Safeguarding Children - RGS Policy 2019), this document is currently under review. 

Our Policy is consistent with Gospel values, and with civil and criminal law as found in: 'A Safe and Welcoming Church; Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland, 2024, by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI). This policy can be seen by vising the NBSCCCI's website at

Our current policy takes account of the Children First Act 2015, the Children First National Guidance for the Protection & Welfare of Children and other legislative provisions.

The Congregation is committed to: 

  • Implementing our policy and procedures.
  • Doing all in our power to create a safe environment for all to ensure that children/vulnerable persons’ welfare is paramount.
  • Co-operating fully with the civil authorities in all aspects of safeguarding.
  • Fully reporting all allegations, complaints, disclosures, suspicions, or concerns (current, historical, or anonymous) to the civil authorities without delay.
  • Welcoming, listening to and supporting anyone who presents with a report, concern, suspicion, allegation, complaint, disclosure (whether historical, current or anonymous).

Adults at Risk

The Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd has developed, and are implementing, our Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Abuse, Interim Guidance Policy 2022.

We strive to create an environment in which adults feel safe and respected and have drawn from resources already available on 'Adults at Risk' or 'Vulnerable Persons' from the HSE, Dept. of Health, Northern Ireland and the Catholic Church.

The National Board is in the process of developing a Safeguarding Adult at Risk Policy. Following its publication, we may need to adapt aspects of our policy to reflect any divergencies.  

You can access our new Policy here: Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Abuse Interim Guidance 2022

Reporting any Suspicions, Concerns,
Knowledge or Allegation

Within the Irish Province, which includes Northern Ireland, we have clear reporting procedures. We have appointed a Designated Liaison Person (DLP), Avril Halley, whose role is to hear and respond to any concerns, knowledge, suspicion or allegation of abuse, current or historical. Contact details: 086 172 1736 or Sr. Evelyn Fergus is the Deputy Designated Liaison Person who will implement the reporting procedures in the DLP’s absence. Sr. Evelyn Fergus can be contacted on

The Congregation is committed to:

  • Hearing child protection concerns.
  • Passing on child protection concerns to the statutory authorities.
  • Managing cases and all associated documents.
  • Liaising with the support person, advisor and the Church authority.
  • Passing on child protection concerns to the NBSCCCI.
  • Conducting internal inquiries.
  • Contributing to upholding the seven standards in practice and behaviour.
  • Completing an annual report regarding compliance with Standards 2, 3 and 4 for the Church authority.
  • Monitoring respondents or, with the Church authority, appointing a suitable person to carry out this role.

Reporting Procedure

Following receipt of an allegation, suspicion or if you are concerned about anindividual you should take the following steps:

1. You must refer the matter to Avril Halley, DLP. Contact details:  086 172 1736 or , or in her absence, to Evelyn Fergus. Contact details:, who will report the matter to:

  • Tusla/HSCNI (Social Services for Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, respectively)
  • An Garda Síochána/PSNI (Police)

2. If a child is at immediate risk, the person who has received the concern should report directly to the statutory authorities and inform the DLP at the earliest opportunity.

3. Some allegations need to be referred to other authorities with a legitimate interest. If the DLP is unsure about whether information can be shared, advice will be sought from TUSLA.

Further Helpful Information

You can also report your concern directly to:

National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCII)
Tel: (01) 505 3124

An Garda Siochána – National Protective Services Bureau
Dublin (Harcourt Square), Tel: (01) 666 3430
Cork Tel: (021) 452 2000
Limerick Tel: (061) 21 2411
Waterford Tel: (051) 30 5300

Dedicated Freephone for the reporting of Child Sexual Abuse Tel: 1800 555 222Police

Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
Tel: (028) 9448 2633

Dublin South East Tel: (01) 629 9010
Dublin South Central -Tel: (01) 620 6078
Cork Tel: (021) 492 3503
Mid West (including Limerick) Tel: (061) 48 2792
Waterford and Wexford Tel: (051) 84 2880
Galway and Roscommon Tel: (091) 546 128

HSC Trusts NI – Health & Social Care Trusts Northern Ireland
Belfast Trust – Tel: (028)90 507 000
Northern Trust – Tel: 03001234333
Southern Trust - Tel: 08007837745
South Eastern Trust – Tel: 03001000300
Western Trust – Tel: (028) 71 314 090

We would also encourage anyone who has suffered abuse to contact:

Towards HealingCounselling and Support Service
Freephone: 1800 303416 (ROI)
Freephone 0800 0963315 (Northern Ireland and UK)
Hearing impaired Text Line Number: +353 85 8022859

The Towards Healing Helpline is open from Monday to Thursday, 11:00 am to 8:00 pm, and on Friday, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm

Towards Peace - Spiritual Support for Survivors of Abuse by Church Personnel in Ireland
Tel: + 353 (0) 1 5053028
Mobile: + 353 (0) 86 7710533
The service is available on Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and on Wednesday from 9:00 am to12:00 noon.

For out of office hours, please call us on 086 771 0533 and leave a message. We will respond to your call as soon as possible.

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